
The article presents research results of the food addi-tive Genesis effect on laying hens health. Experiments were con-ducted in 2 stages. During the first stage of experiments the acute toxicity of the food additive Genesis was studied on white rats of the Standard variety. Criteria for assessing the acute toxicity of the food additive Genesis were indicators of animals’ clinical and hematological status. Observation of the experimental rats for 14 days made it possible to establish that after intragastric admin-istration of an aqueous solution of the food additive Genesis there are no toxic effects in the form of immediate and delayed-type hypersensitivity. This is confirmed by the results of the clini-cal examination of laboratory animals and the morphological study of blood. During the second stage of experiments the effect of Genesis on the organism of laying hens was studied. The con-dition of laying hens was assessed by the results of a clinical ex-amination, an assessment of the biochemical composition of blood serum, as well as change in their productive qualities. The biochemical parameters of the blood serum of laying hens were identified: inorganic calcium, phosphorus, calcium-phosphorus ratio, alkaline phosphatase, urea, creatinine, creatine Kinase, cholesterol, total protein, glucose. It was established that the food additive Genesis has a positive effect on the clinical, biochemical parameters of the blood serum of laying hens as well as on the morphological parameters of chicken eggs. In addition, when using the Genesis, the efficiency of feed utilization increases.

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