
The article considers the important problem of the development of professional mobility of future teachers of special education, the solution of which is actualized by significant changes in the practice of remedial work and approaches to its organization in both special and inclusive institutions, the content of which is significantly restructured in wartime conditions. Solving this problem requires higher education institutions to respond quickly to requests and challenges of educational practice and to pay special attention to updating the content of training of remedial teachers in the aspect of forming personal and professional mobility skills. Тhe article examines the views of scientists on the phenomenon of professional mobility in social, psychological and pedagogical aspects. Professional mobility is presented by the authors as an important component of pedagogical competence, which is manifested in the readiness and ability of future special education teachers to change professional functions within one professional activity and to master new directions of correction and development of personality in the conditions of a dynamically changing labor market, and also requires a high level of social development and personal life-creativity competencies. The authors define content-technological foundations of the development of professional mobility of future teachers of special education in the light of the competence approach. They attributed the following conceptual approaches to it: competence-specific, systemic, activity-based, technological, acmeological, student-centered, synergistic, research, integrated, and life-creativity; principles of pedagogical activity: creativity, personal responsibility, trust and partnership, reflexivity, dynamic integrity, openness, noospheric outlook, self-organization and self-actualization; organizational and pedagogical conditions: actualization of the possibilities of the institution of higher education as a personal development environment, development and implementation of methodological principles for the involvement of future special education specialists in professionally significant creative activities in all possible forms of education. Attention is drawn to the fact that the identified basic approaches, principles and conditions are interrelated, complement each other and collectively represent the most solid scientific basis, on which one can base the technology of developing the professional competence of a special education teacher with a high-quality result in achieving the set goal.

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