
The therapeutic effect of lasers on abnormal colored lesions of skin or mucosa is to apply the difference of the absorption process of lasers on abnormal colored tissue from that on normal colored tissue depending on the colors, which is one of the most usuful clinical applications of lasers. In the therapeutic application of lasers to colored lesions, some high powered lasers such as argon laser or ruby laser have usually been used. The authors have proved the useful the-rapeutic effect that a mW level low power He-Ne laser has the discoloration effect on vasculogenic red lesions such as subcutaneous hemorrahage, capillary disorder, hemangioma and so on.The authors designed to examin the variation of skin surface temperature after exposure to He-Ne laser and obtained the interesting results that in some cases, the skin surface temperature actually fall slightly. The results in this experiment coincide with the results in the experiment on the morphologic changes of the vessels and the circulatin of rat skin induced by the exposure to He-Ne laser. Based on these results, the mechanism on the discoloration effect of He-Ne laser on vasclogenic red lesions is discussed in this paper.

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