
HD 46375 is known to host a Saturn-like exoplanet orbiting at 0.04 AU from its host star. Stellar light reflected by the planet was tentatively identified in the 34-day CoRoT run acquired in October-November 2008. We constrain the properties of the magnetic field of HD 46375 based on spectropolarimetric observations with the NARVAL spectrograph at the Pic du Midi observatory. In addition, we use a high-resolution NARVAL flux spectrum to contrain the atmospheric parameters. With these constraints, we perform an asteroseismic analysis and modelling of HD 46375 using the frequencies extracted from the CoRoT light curve. We used Zeeman Doppler imaging to reconstruct the magnetic map of the stellar surface. In the spectroscopic analysis we fitted isolated lines using 1D LTE atmosphere models. This analysis was used to constrain the effective temperature, surface gravity, and chemical composition of the star. To extract information about the p-mode oscillations, we used a technique based on the envelope autocorrelation function (EACF). From the Zeeman Doppler imaging observations, we observe a magnetic field of ~5 gauss. From the spectral analysis, HD 46375 is inferred to be an unevolved K0 type star with high metallicity [Fe/H]=+0.39. Owing to the relative faintness of the star (m_hip=8.05), the signal-to-noise ratio is too low to identify individual modes. However, we measure the p-mode excess power and large separation Delta nu_0=153.0 +/- 0.7 muHz. We are able do constrain the fundamental parameters of the star thanks to spectrometric and seismic analyses. We conclude that HD 46375 is similar to a young version of Alpha-CenB. This work is of special interest because of its combination of exoplanetary science and asteroseismology, which are the subjects of the current Kepler mission and the proposed PLATO mission.

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