
In this paper we discuss the prospects for asteroseismology with spatial resolution and motivate studies of the most chemically peculiar roAp star HD 101065. We present the first results from a high-precision radial velocity (RV) study of HD 101065 based on data spanning four nights that were acquired using the HARPS echelle-spectrometer at the ESO 3.6 m telescope. The analysis of individual nights showed the amplitude and phase modulation of the dominant mode. The analysis of the whole data set showed the presence of multi-periodic oscillations with two groups of equally-spaced modes. We find Δυ = 65.2μHz and δυ = 7.3μHz for the large and the small spacing, respectively. HD 101065 is the only roAp star to show the existence of two groups ofl = 0, 2 andl = 1, 3 excited modes.

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