
Introduction: Reading is an interesting factor of value in education and in selfconstruction. This paper presents the results of a research project studying the leisuretime reading habits, tastes and skills of secondary school students in the province of Salamanca. The study focuses on the variables of sex and environment (rural or urban). The purpose of this project was to analyse teenage reading tastes and habits in order to present proposals for practical implementations to measure the effects of the Plan for Promotion of Reading and to extend the Plan. Methodology: Questionnaires were used as the data collection instrument. Random single sampling of units was performed by clusters, set up by schools and by strata, according to schools� geographical location (rural or urban) and public or private ownership. The analysis used two variables, sex and environment. Results: Results show that, in general, reading is not one of the most frequent leisure time activities for teenagers. They read, but not much. Girls and students in the early years of compulsory secondary education display better results in reading habits and skills, and there few significant differences between teenagers in rural and urban areas. Sex is a variable that makes for notable differences in reasons for reading, reading frequency, reading preferences and reading tastes. Discussion and conclusions: Reading, at this stage and in this environment, still needs improvement. The paper concludes with some suggestions of possible lines of action to help improve educational practice.

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