
In this study, we assess the influence of Aisha, an opinion leader who made her mark in Asr-i Saadet, especially during the four caliphs’ period of Islamic history. In particular we focus on the early stage of the Islamic community at a time of fast social transformation and the outbreak of various political, cultural and social crises. This extraordinary woman, Hazrat Aisha, who was always questioning, was capable of analyzing and synthesizing events and circumstances. With her attitudes and behaviors, she implemented brave decisions that broke almost all taboos in Islamic society. Her fame was so widespread that almighty Allah was moved to insert some sacred messages into the Holy Quran exemplifying to all mankind some events in her life. Undoubtedly, in her coming to the forefront as a prominent female figure influencing the first century of Islam, the effects of the family environment, her father Abu Bakr and her husband Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are undeniable. Also, Aisha took full advantage of that social and cultural capital. She was an enlightened thinker who reported the Prophet’s characteristics and exhibited exemplary morality. She spread all the issues stated by the messenger of Allah straightly to future generations. She was a rara avis, a science expert who set an example to all humanity with her superior virtues.

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