
India's pharmaceutical sector is essential to the production and distribution of medications to millions of people worldwide. Pharmaceutical manufacture, however, has several dangers and hazards that could endanger the health and safety of employees, the environment, and the community, just like any other industrial sector. Chemical exposures, like handling dangerous pharmaceuticals and chemicals, as well as physical dangers including loud noises, moving machinery, and ergonomic concerns can all be found in the pharmaceutical industry. The management of biological risks, such as handling live microbes and possibly contagious materials, is another issue that pharmaceutical businesses must address. In the pharmaceutical industry, safety management is crucial for maintaining regulatory compliance, safeguarding employee health and safety, and preventing serious accidents and incidents. This entails adopting stringent safety procedures, supplying thorough training to staff, conducting risk analyses, maintaining suitable ventilation and containment systems, and making sure that hazardous products are stored and disposed of properly. The risks and safety management techniques used in the Indian pharmaceutical business serve to emphasize the significance of placing a high priority on safety in this industry. Sample of 157 respondents (experts from pharmaceutical industry) were surveyed to know different Hazards and safety management in pharmaceutical industries and found that that it is important to establish norms, and carrying out routine audits and inspections, conduct regular risk assessments to detect potential physical hazards and putting preventive measures and create plans for emergencies.

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