
A good work system is one of the most important factors in the company’s progress, and is the main key to success to increase productivity, company efficiency, and reduce the risk of injury. This research was carried out in a mineral water industry located in North Sumatra. The activity of loading the product to be distributed includes lifting the gallon from the conveyor to the truck. The problem faced by the company was the lack of supervision of the appointment activities, workers complained about the muscles and skeletons due to the Manual Material Handling (MMH), and because workers were also assigned to other work stations. Complaints were identified using the Standard Nordic Questionnaire, Job Strain Index, and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment. The SNQ results show that before doing work in several parts of the body it does not feel sick, but after doing the activity arises a complaint is very sick. This shows that lifting activities are the cause of complaints. The JSI score shows an index value of 12, which means that the activity enters a hazardous job. The results of the RULA score indicate that there must be action now too. To solve this problem, Participatory Ergonomics intervention methods were carried out. PE intervention is carried out on workers who aim to get input on remedial solutions needed by workers and to management for the implementation of selected solutions.

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