
From the annual reports of bench marked companies from 2016 to 2018, also from the case studies available approximate 100 disaster cases were analyzed in knowing the possible hazard during drilling. The outcome indicates the change in control measures that is suggested in-order to have safe and healthy work environment at work place which in turn helps in preparing the risk register. In oil industry Risk Assessment needs to be performed on steady and systematic or regular basis. The goal of risk assessment is to identify the hazards, to determine the rating of various risks with controls, to revise the risk controls implementation from the previous sessions of risk assessment. Risk assessment process provides a method for assessing the likelihood of health, safety and environmental impacts. This paper highlights in order to know the details of hazard identification, its assessment and with controls includes: hazard Identification- finding potential hazards, defining the risks and rating which is linked to the hazard based on severity, frequency and probability. Hazard Control -controlling of hazards and associated risks with the hazard. Control Measures- providing information on training, supervision on the hazard, education, analyzing the risks, controls measure for the employees affected by the hazards with evaluation of hazard. Furthermore, an example is shown how to do or calculate the quantitative risk assessment for the various hazards that comes across various operations in hydrocarbon industry.

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