
Annelids constitute a diverse phylum with more than 19000 species, exhibiting greatly varying morphologies and lifestyles ranging from sessile detritivores to fast swimming active predators. The lifestyle of an animal is closely linked to its sensory systems not least the visual equipment. Interestingly, many errant annelid species from different families such as the scale worms, Polynoidae, share the same two pairs of eyes on their prostomium. These eyes are typically 100-200 µm in diameter and structurally similar judged from the gross morphology. The polynoids, Harmothoe imbricata and Lepidonotus squamatus from the North Atlantic are both benthic predators preying on small invertebrates but only H. imbricata can produce bioluminescence in their scales. Here we have examined their eye morphology, photoreceptor physiology, and light guided behaviour in order to assess their visual capacity and visual ecology. Whereas the structure and physiology of the two pairs of eyes are remarkably similar within species, the only difference being the gaze direction, the photoreceptor physiology differs between the two species. Both species express a single opsin in their eyes but in H. imbricata the peak sensitivity is green shifted and the temporal resolution is lower, suggesting that the eyes of H. imbricata are adapted to detect their own bioluminescence. The behavioural experiments showed that both species are strictly night active but yielded no support to the hypothesis that H. imbricata are repelled by their own bioluminescence.

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