
Based on the content that users prefer to follow, they are presented with similar content, which they may like. Thus, they can interact with individuals whose mindsets are similar to theirs. The users who cannot socialize in real life due to the COVID-19 pandemic and thus consider social media as an escape point think that they can produce unlimited and uncontrolled hatred in a synergistic environment consisting of people who produce similar contents to what they produce. This study focuses on hate speech on social media and analyzes the hate, discriminative, and derogatory speech regarding men within the “dunyaerkeklergunu” hashtag on Twitter based on symbolic interaction theory using the content analysis method. Within the scope of the “dunyaerkeklergunu” hashtag, 500 shares were analyzed. The study aims to raise awareness of the fact that hate speech can be made even on international men's day and that hate speech is not only directed towards women but is also made regarding men.

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