
Amac: Calisma 3-6 cocuklarin uyku aliskanliklarini ve etkileyen faktorleri b elirlemek amaciyla yapildi. Materyal ve Metod: Tanimlayici tipteki calisma bir Universite ve Devlet Hastanesinin cocuk kliniklerinde yatan 3-6 yas cocuga sahip 189 anne ile gerceklestirildi. Arastirmanin verileri aile ve cocugun sosyo-demografik ve uyku aliskanliklari ile ilgili sorulardan olusan “Anket Formu” ile toplandi. Veriler yuzdelik, ortalama ve standart sapma ve ki- kare testi ile analiz edildi. Bulgular: Cocuklarin yas ortalamasi 4.3±1.0 idi ve %30.7’sinin kronik hastaligi vardiCocuklar geceleri 9.7±1.4 saat uyuyor, hafta ici 21.9±1.05’da, hafta sonu 22.24±1.06’ da yatiyorlardi. Cocuklarin %42.3’u kendi basina, %24.3’u anneyle birlikte yatarak uyuyordu.Cocuklarin %11.6’si anneyle ayni yatakta, %10.1’i ise anne-babayla ayni yatakta uyuyordu. Cocuklarin %37.1’inin uyuma sirasinda bir objeye gereksinim duydugu, bunun %69.5 oyuncak ve %14.5 anneye dokunma oldugu belirlendi Cocuklarin %10.6’si uykuya dalmakta gucluk cekiyor, uyku sirasinda %29.1’i yatagini islatiyor, %20.6’si kabus goruyordu. Cocuklari az uyudugunda %49.7’sinde hircinlik/sinirlilik, %43.4’unde aglama goruldugu anneler tarafindan ifade edildi. Cocuklarin yaslari ile gunduz uyumalari ve uyuduklari yer arasinda istatistiksel anlamli fark vardi (p<0.05). Uc yasindaki cocuklar daha fazla gunduz uykusu uyuyordu ve daha fazla anne ile ayni odada uyuyordu. Sonuc: Bu calismada, cocuklarin yatma saatlerinin gec ve uyku surelerinin az oldugu, cesitli uyku sorunlari yasadiklari, bir kisminin anne-babalariyla ayni odada ve ayni yatakta yattiklari belirlendi. Atif: Akgun Kostak M, Kocaaslan EN, Bilsel A, Mutlu A. 3-6 Yas Grubu Cocuklarin Uyku Aliskanliklarinin Belirlenmesi. HSP 2016 3(1):123-132. Determination of Sleep Habits in Children Aged 3-6 Years Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate 3-6 age group children’s sleep habits andaffecting factors. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted with 189 mothers who have 3-6 year old children hospitalized in pediatric clinic in a university hospital. The research data was collected Questionnaire Form consisting of socio-demographic characteristics questions regarding of the family and child's sleep habits. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation and chi-square test. Results: The mean age of the children was 4.3±1.0, and 30.7% had a chronic illness. Children were sleeping average 9.7±1.4 hours at night and were going to sleep at 21.9±1.05 hours on the weekdays, at 22.24 ± 1.06 on the weekends. Half of the children (42.3%) was sleeping on their own, 24.3% of them with their mother, 11.6% of children was sleeping with mother in the same bed, 10.1% in the same bed both mother and father. It was determined that 37.1% of children need an object for sleeping, 69.5% of this toy and 14.5% of children touching the mom during sleep. 10.6% of children have difficulty with falling asleep, 29.1% was bed- wetting, 20.6% was nightmares. It was expressed by mothers when their children sleep less there was seeing irritability/anger 49.7% of children, 43.4% crying of children. There was a statistically significant difference between children ages with sleep in the daytime and where they sleep. Three-four year-olds were more sleeping in the daytime and in the same room with their mother. Conclusion: In this study, it was determined that the children sleep hours are late and less, suffer from various sleep problems and some of the children were sleep in the same room with their parents and in the same bed. Key words: Child, nursing, sleep habits. To cite this article: Akgun Kostak M, Kocaaslan EN, Bilsel A, Mutlu A. Determination of Sleep Habits in Children Aged 3-6 Years. HSP 2016 3(1):123-132.

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