
Until the final whistle. Fear of dying, good living, and game-playing in Bernard Suits’ oeuvre
 Resumen: En este artículo, se ofrece un recorrido por la obra de Bernard Suits, un filósofo estadounidense apenas conocido en ámbitos filosóficos castellanoparlantes. Se analizan sus posiciones relativas a los dos temas centrales que le ocuparon durante su carrera filosófica: la búsqueda de definiciones y la pregunta por la vida buena. No obstante, se defenderá que todo su trabajo, desde su tesis de maestría defendida en 1950 hasta sus obras publicadas póstumamente, Suits dio preferencia a la segunda cuestión. Esta interpretación contrasta con la recepción de su obra en círculos académicos angloamericanos, dónde se ha priorizado su propuesta definicional sobre la relativa al buen vivir. 
 Abstract: In this article, I provide an overview of the work of Bernard Suits, a United States-born philosopher hardly known in Spanish-speaking philosophical circles. I analyze his views on the two central themes that occupied him during his philosophical career: the search for definitions and the question concerning the good life. However, I argue that throughout his work, from his master’s thesis defended in 1950 to his posthumously published works, Suits gave preference to the second theme. This interpretation contrasts with the reception of his work in Anglo-American academic circles, where his definitional proposal has been prioritized over his musings on the good life.

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