
IntroductionThe burgeoning development of Asian food platforms has attracted many workers intending to engage in gig work as platform-based couriers. This study explored the hassles experienced by food couriers working for platforms through content analysis. MethodsIn-depth interviews were conducted with 27 participants from Mainland China, Taiwan, and Singapore to collect textual data. ResultsThe results revealed five types of hassles experienced by platform-based food couriers: hassles from food platforms, hassles from on-demand restaurants, hassles during food delivery rides, hassles from customers, and hassles in personal life. Hassles from food platforms are caused by unreasonable revenue calculation methods, unreasonable management approaches, the technological problems of platform systems, inadequacy in courier insurance and welfare, and ineffective job training. Hassles during food delivery rides include higher safety risks, uncontrollable emergencies and situations, inadequacies in transportation facilities, unfriendly treatment from doormen and residents, and theft during food delivery. Hassles from on-demand restaurants include bearing responsibilities for loss and penalties caused by restaurant management and unfriendly attitudes toward couriers. Hassles from customers entail malicious comments, miscommunication with customers, customer behaviors of taking advantage of couriers, customer cancellations during the food delivery process, and unreasonable customer demands. Finally, hassles in personal life include work-related illness, work-life conflict, work precarity, and stereotyping toward couriers. ConclusionThe findings of this study provide a pertinent reference for stakeholders, including food platforms,on-demand restaurants, local transport administration and commnunity, to improve their operational and human resource management systems in the food platform-based gig economy model.

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