
In this study we explored the hassles and uplifts (i.e. negative and positive emotional events) experienced by registered nurses, nursing assistants and personal carers working with people with cognitive impairment in community and residential healthcare settings in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The primary aim of the research was to explore what aspects of caring for cognitively impaired clients hassles nurses, what helps to relieve these hassles, what aspects of this work nurses find rewarding and what detracts from those rewards, as well as the intensity with which each of these aspects were felt. A questionnaire developed to explore hassles and uplifts at work was administered and 57 responses obtained. Results indicated that caring for the cognitively impaired client provides many uplifts for nurses and few hassles. However, the hassles that occurred were of high importance. This paper will be of interest to managers, nurses and carers in settings where there are people with cognitive impairment as well as scholars, who may find that assessing emotional hassles and uplifts provides additional insights into other areas of nursing.

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