
Aneuploidy is the leading genetic abnormality contributing to infertility, and chromosome segregation errors are common during female mammalian meiosis I (MI). Previous results indicate that haspin kinase regulates resumption of meiosis from prophase arrest, chromosome condensation, and kinetochore-microtubule attachments during early prometaphase of MI. Here we report that haspin inhibition in late prometaphase I causes acceleration of MI, bypass of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), and loss of interchromatid axis-localized Aurora kinase C. Meiotic cells contain a second chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) population, with Aurora kinase B (AURKB) bound to INCENP. Haspin inhibition in oocytes from Aurkc-/- mice, where AURKB is the sole CPC kinase, does not alter MI completion timing, and no change in localization of the SAC protein, MAD2, is observed. These data suggest that AURKB on the interchromatid axis is not needed for SAC activation and illustrate a key difference between the functional capacities of the two AURK homologues.

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