
Evaluations on transdisciplinary research suggest that co-creation should place greater emphasis on the first steps of co-design. This report provides insights and reflections on a sustainable fruit breeding project initiated by practitioners.The research project EGON explored a new organizational approach in the fruit sector that builds upon common ownership and collective management: commons-based organic fruit breeding. As agricultural and breeding actors initiated the writing of the research proposal, they became involved on equal footing in the joint problem framing and design of the research project from the very start. In this Design Report, we explore contextual factors in the co-design and co-production phase and their influence on the research process, as well as scientific and societal effects. Based on interviews with scientific and practitioner partners in the consortium, we find that early and continuous professional networking with practitioners is essential for fruitful transdisciplinary research processes. Also, joint activities like common excursions, seminars, and joint conference presentations have been valuable to develop mutual understanding, curiosity, and trust. What turned out to be crucial for the commons-based approach of the project were adequate funding opportunities for practitioners in systematic and scientifically supported breeding processes.

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