
There are a large number of commercially exploited stocks lacking quantitative assessments and reliable estimates of stock status. Providing MSY-based advice for these data-limited stocks remains a challenge for fisheries science. For many data-limited stocks, catch length composition and/or survey biomass indices or catch-per-unit effort (cpue) are available. Information on life history traits may also be available or borrowed from similar species/stocks. In this work we present three harvest control rules (HCRs), driven by indicators derived from key monitoring data. These were tested through simulation using two exploitation scenarios (development and over-exploitation) applied to 50 stocks (pelagic, demersal, deep sea species and Nephrops). We examine the performance of the HCRs to deliver catch-based advice that is risk adverse and drives stocks to MSY. The HCR with a biomass index-adjusted status quo catch, used to provide catch-based advice for several European data-limited stocks, showed the poorest performance, keeping the biomass at low or very low levels. The HCRs that adjust the status quo catch based on the variability of the biomass index time series was able to drive most of the stocks to MSY, showing low to moderate biological risk. The recovery of biomass required asymmetric confidence intervals for the biomass index and larger decreases in status quo catch than increases. The HCR based on length reference points as proxies for the FSQ/FMSY ratio was able to reverse the decreasing trend in biomass but with levels of catch below MSY. This HCR did not prevent some of the stocks declining when subject to over-exploitation. For data-limited stocks, the empirical HCRs tested in this work can provide the basis for catch advice. Nevertheless, applications to real life cases require simulation testing to be carried out to tune the HCRs. Our approach to simulation testing can be used for such analysis.

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