
In the young adult book series Harry Potter, there exists a class of citizens known as Squibs. By all accounts they can be considered a disabled group: they have a ‘disease’ (no magical abilities) that detracts from their overall quality of life and prevents them from operating at a normal level within society. This paper will prove that Squibs are restricted within the fictional world by the institutions of school and government. It will do so by studying Argus Filch and Arabella Figg, two of the most visible Squibs in the series. In this case, the social model of disability and Michel Foucault’s theories about government restrictions on disability will support the idea that Filch and Figg could succeed within the Harry Potter universe if the barriers put in place against the disabled Squibs were removed. In addition, the paper expresses the hope that the fans of Harry Potter will be able to rectify the discriminatory mistakes that the author, J.K. Rowling, has created against Squibs.

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