
Abelian deformations of ordinary algebras of functions are studied. The role of Harrison cohomology in classifying such deformations is illustrated in the context of simple examples chosen for their relevance to physics. It is well known that Harrison cohomology is trivial on smooth manifolds and that, consequently, abelian *-products on such manifolds are trivial to first order in the deformation parameter. The subject is nevertheless interesting; first because varieties with singularities appear in the physical context and secondly, because deformations that are trivial to first order are not always (indeed not usually) trivial as exact deformations. We investigate cones, to illustrate the situation on algebraic varieties, and we point out that the coordinate algebra on (anti-) de Sitter space is a nontrivial deformation of the coordinate algebra on Minkowski space -- although both spaces are smooth manifolds.

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