
Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have emerged as game-changing technologies with the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry. In the context of hospitals, their integration holds the promise of not only improving patient care but also driving competitive advantage and fostering sustainable development. This review paper aims to explore and evaluate the impact of AI and robotics applications on attaining competitive advantage and promoting sustainable development in hospitals, examines the current landscape of AI and robotics adoption in healthcare settings and delve into their specific applications within hospitals, including AI-assisted diagnosis, robotic surgery, patient monitoring, and data analytics. A key finding is the insufficient use of KI to date in terms of promoting sustainable development in hospitals. Furthermore, attempts to analyze the potential benefits and challenges associated with these technologies in terms of enhancing patient outcomes, operational efficiency, cost savings, and differentiation from competitors. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of the existing literature and case studies, this paper provides valuable insights into the transformative potential of AI and robotics in hospitals.

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