
Text analytics is defined as a method of analyzing compilations of structured text such as dates, times, locations, semi structured text, such as HTML and JSON as well as unstructured text, such as word documents, videos, and images, to extract and discover trends and relationships without requiring the exact words or terms to convey those concepts. Web analytics on the other hand is the technology that collects, measures, analyses, and provides reports of data on how users use websites and web applications. It is used to track a number of aspects of direct user-website interactions, such as the number of visits, time spent on the site, and click pathway. It also aids in the identification of user interest areas and the enhancement of web application features. We used clustering techniques to categorize the job opportunities that are available for the job seekers. By implementing text analytics, text data may be grouped with the goal of providing outcomes in the form of word frequency distribution, pattern identification, and predictive analytics. Text analytics may create one-of-a-kind values to use in the improvement of decision-making and business processes, as well as the development of new business models.

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