
HArmonyCa is a first-in-class, dual-action, synthetic non-pyrogenic biodegradable hybrid dermal filler composed of calcium hydroxyapatite (CAHa) (55.5%) and cross-linked hyaluronic acid (44.5%) that is clinically indicated to enhance volume as well as lift and rejuvenate the mid and lower face and overlying skin. Its effects are illustrated in three case studies. Significant and immediate improvements in cheek projection, lifting of the midface, reduction of the pre-jowl sulcus and in the depth of the nasojugal groove were observed in these cases. The hybrid injectable is effective with a good tolerability profile, with the patients reporting a high level of satisfaction. The early clinical changes that were seen resulted mainly from the cross-linked hyaluronic acid filler and, secondly, from the CAHa. CAHa microspheres have been demonstrated to provide long-term efficacy through regional collagen synthesis. Effects will be monitored in the treated cases at 6, 12 and 18 months.

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