
This study aims to describe and analyze the harmonization of the implementation of disaster management policies in disaster-prone areas based on the East Java Provincial Regulation Number 3 of 2010 concerning Disaster Management in East Java Province and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the harmonization of the implementation of disaster management policies in disaster-prone areas based on East Java Provincial Regulation Number 3 of 2010 concerning Disaster Management in East Java Province. This study uses a qualitative approach. The analysis technique in this study follows the steps of Strauss and Corbin data analysis in grounded theory. Implementation of Policy Harmonization of Disaster Management Policy includes: Human resources are the only resources that have a reason, feeling, desire, abilities, skills, knowledge, power, and work. All of these potentials greatly affect the government's efforts in dealing with natural disasters. Human resources are meant not only from the local government but also from the community in it. The policy strategy, implementation of natural disaster management, especially landslides in Batu City, East Java Province has not been optimal. This non-optimality cannot be separated from the lack of efficiency and effectiveness of the policies and implementation environment established by the Batu City Government. Community participation, the role of the community involved in pre-disaster, during the disaster, and post-disaster. During a disaster, the role of the community is to participate in making disaster risk analysis, conducting research related to disasters, carrying out disaster prevention efforts, cooperate with the government in mitigation efforts, participate in education, training and socialization of disaster management, and work together to create a Disaster Preparedness Village. The government's commitment is to carry out education, socialization and disaster management simulations, improvement of ecosystems in disaster-prone and vulnerable areas, development planning based on disaster mitigation, disaster resilience in infrastructure, disaster financing schemes, meeting the emergency needs of disaster victims and other midwives that are mutually agreed upon. Supporting factors in the implementation of policy harmonization of disaster management policies: power, interests, and strategies of the actors involved, characteristics of institutions and authorities, as well as compliance and responsiveness.

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