
Accounting is the science of communicating the financial information of the business organization in an organized manner. Before communicating the business information it is necessary to record the actual business results in a scientific manner so as to ensure the true and fair view of the transactions. Financial information disclosed with true and fair state will get absolute confidence from various stakeholders. India is also one of the country which is recognized at the global level by initiating IFRS based accounting standards from the year 2016 onwards by government of India with the help of MCA and ICAI and started to mandate these standards for Indian companies in a phased manner. The implementation of this IFRS based Indian Accounting standards i.e. IND AS had created a great opportunity to academicians, regulatory authorities and business houses to carry the research for the advancement of the financial reporting system in India. So the present study is intended to analyse the role of IND AS in harmonizing accounting standards in Indian scenario.

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