
<p><em>International commercial contracts are contracts closed by parties coming from different countries or made under “foreign” legal systems. Parties may have different understandings about how to read the contract and therefore it is of importance to include in the contract a provision on settlement of disputes containing choice of forum and/or choice of law. A different way to prevent conflicts and disputes stemming from the interpretation and implementation of international commercial contracts is by way of harmonization of national contract laws. Indonesia as an active member of the international (commercial) community should take the initiative to do so. In other words, revision of the existing Indonesian contract law is much needed.</em></p><p> </p><p align="right"><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong></p><em>contract, harmonize, international commercial contract</em>


  • Abstrak Kontrak komersial internasional adalah kontrak yang ditutup para pihak yang berasal dari Negara berbeda atau tunduk pada sistem hukum berbeda

  • International commercial contracts are contracts closed by parties coming from different countries or made under “foreign” legal systems

  • Parties may have different understandings about how to read the contract and it is of importance to include in the contract a provision on settlement of disputes containing choice of forum and/or choice of law

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Abstrak Kontrak komersial internasional adalah kontrak yang ditutup para pihak yang berasal dari Negara berbeda atau tunduk pada sistem hukum berbeda. Perlu adanya kontrak dagang internasional (international commercial contracts)[2] yang berfungsi sebagai acuan perilaku yang memuat hak dan kewajiban para pihak dalam kontrak. Selain itu perbedaan hukum nasional yang menjadi acuan normatif dari para pelaku transaksi perdagangan internasional juga dapat menimbulkan keragu-raguan dan ketidapastian bagi pihak asing.

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