
China is currently experiencing rapid economic growth. A byproduct of this economic expansion is an unprecedented investment in the country’s transportation infrastructure. However, there are two fundamental problems with the transport system that is presently being developed. First, it is largely highway oriented, which impacts future land use patterns, the environment, congestion, and issues of equity since many do not presently own automobiles. Second, the planning of transportation investments is not being undertaken in an integrated fashion that incorporates the input and objectives of all stakeholders in a given region. As a result, opportunities to enhance mobility, support economic development, and achieve sustainability objectives are squandered. Because the expansive economic growth in China is being accompanied by significant transport infrastructure investment, this is a pivotal moment for many Chinese cities. The decisions made regarding these investments have long-term implications for the environment, development patterns, equity issues, and general social well being of China. Moreover, once transport development decisions are made they are reversible only at extremely high cost. Thus, it is critical that the right investments are made at this juncture, where the character of China’s transport infrastructure remains in the balance. The decisions made today will determine whether or not China achieves its goal of creating a harmonious society supportive of the environment, the economy, and the social welfare of all her people. In the context of China’s expansive growth, urban transport officials and professionals need to transform their thinking and problem-solving methods in order to effectively manage a complex transportation system. They should be able to collect needed data and information, use appropriate planning and analytical methods, and develop appropriate policies and planning procedures. This will enable them to solve the traffic problems of today as well as to plan for the needs of a future given limited resources. Chinese leadership recently proposed the overall goal of building a harmonious society by 2020, a society characterized by, .democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice, sincerity and amity, full of vitality, stability and order, and in which people and nature live in harmony.. As the crucial link of economic activities, urban transport development in China must embrace this objective and coordinate with the stakeholders from all affected strata. Operating through appropriate channels, they must reflect the interests, needs and objectives of all parties, and form consensus on urban transport plans, standards and courses of action. However, urban leadership, vested with decision-making powers should understand that transport development is not only the responsibility of individual government agencies, but is also the common responsibility of all relevant parties in a region. Transport issues must be coordinated through appropriate investigation and consultation to reach an optimal policy decision that will support economic development, while taking into account people’s living environment. It is only by transforming the thinking process and accommodating input from various stakeholders, that a truly collaborative transport planning process can be established. This paper sets forth some approaches that decision makers can use to ensure that planning is done in a coordinated manner and that long term objectives are achieved. They include: (1) regional development and shared vision, (2) a new management model of urban transportation planning, (3) regional transportation planning and financial needs, (4) regional transportation planning and decision-making process, and (5) regional transportation planning and sustainable development. Finally this paper provides suggestions for Chinese urban transport planning and development that could help to achieve the goal of harmonious urban development.

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