
D. H. Lawrence stands as a talented and unconventional writer in the twentieth century English Literature. Lady Chatterley’s Lover is his last novel which embodies his mature thought. The novel earns him both great fame and strong criticism. In spite of the controversies over Lawrence’s daring description of sexuality, the novel stands the test of time and becomes a classic of literature. The paper intends to reveal Lawrence’s ecological philosophy in Lady Chatterley’s Lover . By depicting harmonious nature and harmonious sex relationship, Lawrence presents his ecological philosophy. In the novel, harmonious nature is a silent protest against industrial civilization reflected by the contrast between Wragby and the wood. The harmonious sex relationship in nature is a great liberation of suppressed human nature. The disharmonious relationship between Clifford and Connie is like the deadwood lacking vitality, while the harmonious sex relationship between Mellors and Connie is like intertwining shoots which give mutual supports and vigor. Lady Chatterley’s Lover reflects Lawrence’s far-reaching ecological views and his concern about the whole ecosphere which embodies his strong social responsibility.

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