
The article considers the problem of the hormonal combination of professional and family responsi-bilities in the lifestyle of modern parents. It also considers a comprehensive policy for workers with family responsibilities. The aim of the study is to provide a comprehensive policy to harmonize work and family goals. The scientific article analyzes the harmonious compatibility of work and family responsibilities based on ILO standards and makes recommendations. The main causes, problems and consequences of the conflict between work and family are identified. The importance of harmonizing work and family for youth was also discussed. It has been established that the implementation of the provisions of ILO Convention № 156 on employees with family responsibilities, as well as Convention № 183 on Mater-nity Protection, is one of the important tools to increase welfare and reduce inequality in society, which, in turn, requires joint coordinated actions by government bodies, business structures, trade unions and workers, including youth. Suggestions were developed as new solutions to eliminate the socio-economic consequences of the “work-family” conflict and harmonize work and family responsibilities. Materials and conclusions can be used in academic activities, the practical work of public authorities and manage-ment, public organizations. Key words: work life balance, harmonious combination, family responsibilities, gender equality, youth, family balance and employment policy, family policy.

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