
We prove a criterion for the existence of harmonic metrics on Higgs bundles that are defined on smooth loci of klt varieties. As one application, we resolve the quasi-étale uniformisation problem for minimal varieties of general type to obtain a complete numerical characterisation of singular quotients of the unit ball by discrete, co-compact groups of automorphisms that act freely in codimension one. As a further application, we establish a nonabelian Hodge correspondence on smooth loci of klt varieties.


  • 1.1 Main result of this paperThe core notion of nonabelian Hodge theory, as pioneered by Corlette, Donaldson, Hitchin, and Simpson, is certainly that of a harmonic bundle

  • In this context, extending Simpson’s theory [37] from smooth projective manifolds to minimal models, the paper [9] established a natural equivalence between the category of local systems and the category of semistable, locally free Higgs sheaves with vanishing Chern classes on projective varieties with klt singularities

  • For geometric applications we need to understand locally free Higgs sheaves on the smooth locus Xreg of a klt variety X which extend to X as reflexive Higgs sheaf rather than as a locally free Higgs sheaf

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Main result of this paper

The core notion of nonabelian Hodge theory, as pioneered by Corlette, Donaldson, Hitchin, and Simpson, is certainly that of a harmonic bundle. In view of the minimal model program, it is clear that these results should be studied in the more general context of varieties with terminal or canonical singularities or even for klt (= Kawamata log terminal) varieties In this context, extending Simpson’s theory [37] from smooth projective manifolds to minimal models, the paper [9] established a natural equivalence between the category of local systems and the category of semistable, locally free Higgs sheaves with vanishing Chern classes on projective varieties with klt singularities. E inherits a holomorphic structure and a Higgs field In this context, considering a compactification X of X ◦ by a simple normal crossing divisor, the notion of a tame and purely imaginary bundle (with respect to the compactification) play a decisive role. We illustrate the usefulness of Theorem 1.2 with two applications

Application: a nonabelian Hodge correspondence for local systems on Xreg
Application: quasi-étale uniformisation
Part I
Part II
Global conventions
Nef sheaves
Connections on complex vector bundles
Higgs sheaves
Categories used in the nonabelian Hodge correspondence
KLT spaces and Q-Chern classes
Q-Chern classes
Harmonic bundles
Basic definitions
Existence and uniqueness
TPI-Harmonic bundles on klt spaces
Higgs bundles and Higgs sheaves
Higgs sheaves on Q-surfaces
Stability and polystability
Existence of harmonic structures
Nonabelian Hodge correspondences for smooth loci
Nonabelian Hodge correspondence for polystable bundles
Nonabelian Hodge correspondence for semistable bundles
Positivity in the sheaf of reflexive differentials
Consequences of positivity
Positivity of symmetric differentials
Failure of positivity in general
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Paper version not known

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