
Hardware, Software and Underwear (Underware) - Emerging Technology Trends Globally as well as in Developed and Emerging Asia.The use of computers, the internet and related technologies has been increasing at an exponential rate and this will continue. Brick and Mortar businesses are being transformed into giant Software companies that cater to different consumer needs. The cost of integrating and using technology as part of a business process is falling drastically. Technology and Analytics will be central to the smooth operation of most companies.The size of computing devices, including the Personal Computer (PC), has been shrinking. Handheld devices and mobile phones are becoming smaller, smarter, more prevalent and they almost pack the power of a PC.The traditional technology industry has been split into the Hardware and Software categories. The last few years have seen the emergence of a new technology sector that creates Hardware devices but also provides connectivity and other services that fall under the Software domain. We call this the Underwear (Underware). This is the platform, the network or the cloud that links numerous Hardware devices, provides the requisite connectivity including security and is comprised of different layers. The layers that reside towards the top will aid the development of Software; are open to receive different types of Software and can run Software created by many different parties including end users. So this Underware resides under everything and drives the use of interconnected Hardware devices and Software services.Another dynamic in this industry will be the emergence of product companies like Google and Amazon in Asia, where the most number of future consumers exist. The large untapped markets in this part of the world will form the biggest source of opportunity not only for prevailing winners; but here lies the potential for spawning the next generation of technology companies.

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