
The present study aimed to examine the role of hardiness in the relationship between mental workload and job stress among frontline bank employees in the Pematang Siantar area. This correlational study involved 53 frontline bank employees in the Pematang Siantar area. Data were collected through a self-report measure using three scales, namely the Job Stress Scale (Rollinson, 2005), the Mental Workload Scale from Reid (in Wickens & Holland, 2000), and the Hardiness Scale based on Kobasa’s theory (in Rollinson, 2005). The results of data analysis using moderated regression analysis (MRA) showed that hardiness had a significant effect on the role of mental workload on job stress in frontline bank employees in the Pematang Siantar area. Further testing with multiple regression analysis showed a significant effect between the dimensions of mental workload and characteristics of hardiness on job stress in frontline bank employees in the Pematang Siantar area

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