
The use of resonant enhancements of the inelastic cross-section in the hard X-ray regime has been developing rapidly in the last few years, driven both by advances in the instrumentation, from sources to analyzers to detectors, and by simultaneous advances in theoretical understanding of the resonant process and the inelastic cross-section [5]. The field has recently been reviewed in an article by Ament et al. [2], following earlier reviews by Schulke [24] and Kotani and Shin [21]. Most collective modes have now been observed with the technique including phonons [2, 28], bi-magnons [7, 14], magnons and charge transfer excitations. In this article, we briefly survey some of the very recent work that has been carried out at the Advanced Photon Source, focusing on studies of magnons and charge transfer excitations in strongly correlated systems. This work was carried out on the beamlines 9IDB and 30IDB. We first discuss the instrument at Sector 30, known as “MERIX.”

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