
Background. The use of radiographic methods for examining patients with the ability to determine the density of examined tissues opens up wide opportunities for individually predicting damage to hard tissues of teeth, as well as determining risk groups for the development of their pathology at early stages, which requires a detailed study of the mineral density indicators of hard tissues of teeth of different groups within the norm, taking into account their age, sex, ethnic, and other characteristics. The aim of the study was to determine the density indicators of hard tissues of permanent teeth of different groups in the cervical area and compare them. Material and Methods. The density of hard tissues was determined by analyzing radiographs of 320 intact permanent teeth of 10 patients. Radiographs were made using a Siemens Sirona (XIOS XG Supreme, Germany) dental radiography unit with Trophy Radiologie software (version 7.0, Slovakia). The images were processed using Gendex VixWin Pro software (version 3.5, USA). The density was measured in Conditional Unit of Grayness (CUG). The results were presented as Me (25%; 75%), where Me represents the median, 25% denotes the 25th percentile (first quartile), and 75% denotes the 75th percentile (third quartile). Results. Incisors, canines, and premolars exhibited the highest density in the dentin area; the lowest density was observed in incisors and premolars for cementum and in canines for enamel. In molars, enamel had the highest density, while cementum had the lowest. Significant differences in enamel density were observed among incisors and premolars, incisors and molars, canines and premolars, canines and molars, and premolars and molars. Significant differences in dentin density were found among incisors and canines, incisors and premolars, incisors and molars, canines and premolars, and canines and molars. Significant differences in cementum density were observed among incisors and canines, incisors and premolars, incisors and molars, canines and premolars, and premolars and molars. Conclusion. The density indicators of enamel, dentin, and cementum established for groups of permanent incisors, canines, premolars, and molars are different for different tooth groups with characteristic density patterns. Keywords: enamel, dentin, cementum, incisors, canines, premolars, molars.

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