
Hard photodisintegration of the deuteron has been extensively studied in order to understand the dynamics of the transition from hadronic to quark–gluon descriptions of the strong interaction. In this Letter, we discuss the extension of this program to hard photodisintegration of a pp pair in the 3He nucleus. Experimental confirmation of new features predicted here for the suggested reaction would advance our understanding of hard nuclear reactions. A main prediction, in contrast with low-energy observations, is that the pp breakup cross section is not much smaller than the one for pn break up. In some models, the energy-dependent oscillations observed for pp scattering are predicted to appear in the γ3He→pp+n reaction. Such an observation would open up a completely new field in studies of color coherence phenomena in hard nuclear reactions. We also demonstrate that, in addition to the energy dependence, the measurement of the light-cone momentum distribution of the recoil neutron provides an independent test of the underlying dynamics of hard disintegration.

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