
This study presents a solution to the problem of interacting with, while simultaneously preserving, fragile cultural heritage, such as Victorian parlor culture artifacts, which are essential cultural heritage items but at risk of damage and deterioration. The proposed multi-sensory experience uses extended reality (XR) technology, head-mounted displays (HMD) and haptic feedback via haptic gloves, providing an immersive experience that allows people to interact with these artifacts in a virtual environment. By replicating the experience of a Victorian parlor, this study provides a glimpse into the past and provides valuable resources for researchers. The proposed solution not only provides access to the public and researchers of a collection, but also addresses the conflicting demands of curators and conservators by preserving these artifacts while still engaging a modern audience. The approach mitigates incidents of further deterioration or vandalism, ensuring the long-term preservation of cultural heritage resources. Through XR technology, viewers can handle fragile examples of technology, such as stereoscopic images, stereocards, and stereographs, without risking damage to the original materials. Haptic feedback can simulate the texture of the objects, providing a more realistic and immersive experience. Moreover, this study highlights the importance of preserving cultural heritage leveraging emerging technologies and emphasizes the historical and cultural significance of these objects.

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