
To assess relative efficiency and identify efficient pollen source among maize and Imperata cylindrica for haploid induction, 21 maize and two Imperata cylindrica genotypes were hybridized as pollen parent with each of the four hexaploid, two tetraploid wheats and two genotypes of triticale following wheat × maize and wheat × Imperata cylindrica system of haploid induction. Observations for haploid induction parameters showed Imperata cylindrica as significantly superior pollen source than maize. Mean PFF, EFF, HRF and HFF obtained with Imperata were 55.05%, 24.07%, 18.58% and 4.96%, respectively, whereas the frequencies recorded with maize were 53.80%, 6.72%, 39.36% and 1.71%, respectively. Triticale remained nonresponsive to embryo formation with both the pollen species. The line × tester analysis showed significant effects of both male and female genotypes on all the haploid induction parameters. Analysis of GCA revealed differences among pollen sources in their potential to induce haploids. In maize, genotypes HPMC-57, HPMC-58, HPMC-25 for EFF and HPMC-58 for HFF emerged out to be best general combiners, while in the case of Imperata, GCA values were high for Ic-ye genotype. The present study put forth Imperata as an efficient pollen source over maize for haploid induction in hexaploid and tetraploid wheats.

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