
In recent years, scientific communication has undergone a paradigm shift: from traditional publishing to the creation of open electronic archives for the community. A model of scientific communication is free access to research results through the creation of institutional repositories. In 2021 the Municipal Library “B.P. Hasdeu” initiated the discussion of the first strategic documents of the “B.P. Hasdeu” ML, which establish that libraries with an extensive network of structures, partners and users, organize and carry out research activities, using the most innovative ways of disseminating scientific results and knowledge (digital and traditional tools), recognize and apply in practice the concept of open access, open science, participatory science, citizen science. The Policy of “B.P. Hasdeu” Municipal Library regarding open access, the Research Policy and the Regulation on the Organization and Operation of B.P. Hasdeu Municipal Library Repository supported the development of the concept and the realization of the electronic repository of the institutional memory - HAPEs.

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