
Hannah Cowley’s play The Belle's Stratagem appeared on stage in 1819. The play focuses on the political standpoint of a young attractive English woman, Letitia Hardy. She imagines an arranged marriage with a man from her childhood. The story is structured around the events that happen between Letitia and her future partner, Doricout. Doricourt is a young, handsome, and wealthy man who loves traveling and having much fun. Upon meeting with Letitia, Doricourt is not interested in her even she is a beautiful and rich woman. However, Letitia does not give up and plans to make Doricourt fall in love with her. With her intelligent, courageous, independent nature, Letitia is a very distinctive character when a woman does not discover such virtues. Thus, this study explores Cowley’s play as an example of feminist writing in the era. Hannah Cowley is regarded as an early feminist writer who contributes to the rise of women’s liberation and right in a male-dominated society. Therefore, this paper analyzes the woman and its early history and their relations to patriarchy, male domain, and marriage institution.

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