
Gillnet is a simple fishing gear that is widely used by fishermen in Pangandaran Regency. This study aims to determine the classification calculation of the value of hanging ratio gillnet and the catch of mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson) with different mesh sizes. This research was conducted in January 2019 in Pangandaran Regency, Indonesia. The method used in this research is the survey method. Gillnet used has 2 types of mesh sizes, 3,5 and 4 inch gill nets with each net length of 650 meters (7,312 mesh) and 750 meters (7,384 mesh). Gillnet has 12 meters with a net mesh size of 3,5 inches as many as 135 mesh and a 4 inch mesh size of 118 mesh. Hanging ratio for 3.5 inch gillnet is 0,56 while for mesh size 4 inch is 0,54. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the gill nets are selective. The proportion of catch results shows the number of target fish gill nets with a 3,5 inch mesh size is 20% and bycatch is 80%. The proportion of gillnet catches with a 4 inch mesh size shows main catch of 35,2% while the bycatch proportion is 64.8%.

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