
Objective: Conflicts within the foundation are motivated by problems, in the areas of interests of the founder of the Foundation, the heirs of the founder of the foundation and the foundation's organs, both, supervisors, administrators and supervisors. An ideal concept is needed in the form of handing over rights to the founder's land as the initial wealth of the Foundation, this concept becomes The main choice in resolving all problems that arise within the foundation, the concept can also be useful for ensuring that the founders of the foundation, their heirs, receive legal certainty, justice and benefits. Likewise, the Foundation's organs (Guardians, Management and Supervisors), carry out their duties solely to achieve the foundation's goals, and not other goals . The aim is to find and clarify that foundation founders can hand over land rights as the foundation's initial assets without losing their ownership rights. Methode: This research is a type of normative research. Result : Law Number 28 concerning Foundations mandates the establishment of foundations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Foundations established before this law can still be registered as valid legal entities, but must comply with applicable laws. Conclusion : Foundations must have a charter to monitor their activities and prevent losses. Handing over land rights as the foundation's initial assets without losing ownership rights requires a binding agreement between the foundation and the land owner, as stated in the foundation's Articles of Association.

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