
Bacteriophage Mu replicates as a transposable element, exploiting host enzymes to promote initiation of DNA synthesis. The phage-encoded transposase MuA, assembled into an oligomeric transpososome, promotes transfer of Mu ends to target DNA, creating a fork at each end, and then remains tightly bound to both forks. In the transition to DNA synthesis, the molecular chaperone ClpX acts first to weaken the transpososome's interaction with DNA, apparently activating its function as a molecular matchmaker. This activated transpososome promotes formation of a new nucleoprotein complex (prereplisome) by yet unidentified host factors [Mu replication factors (MRF alpha 2)], which displace the transpososome in an ATP-dependent reaction. Primosome assembly proteins PriA, PriB, DnaT, and the DnaB--DnaC complex then promote the binding of the replicative helicase DnaB on the lagging strand template of the Mu fork. PriA helicase plays an important role in opening the DNA duplex for DnaB binding, which leads to assembly of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme to form the replisome. The MRF alpha 2 transition factors, assembled into a prereplisome, not only protect the fork from action by nonspecific host enzymes but also appear to aid in replisome assembly by helping to activate PriA's helicase activity. They consist of at least two separable components, one heat stable and the other heat labile. Although the MRF alpha 2 components are apparently not encoded by currently known homologous recombination genes such as recA, recF, recO, and recR, they may fulfill an important function in assembling replisomes on arrested replication forks and products of homologous strand exchange.

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