
The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the entire world has not yet ended. This forces the Indonesian government to continue to issue various policies to reduce the number of victims infected with this virus. One of the government's policies is the recommendation to work, worship, and study from home, which is followed by the establishment of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). This policy has caused many new problems, such as violence against women. This study aims to analyze the efforts made by Belu Regency P2TP2A in handling cases of violence that occurred and analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors faced by Belu Regency P2TP2A. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data sources used are Primary Data and Secondary Data. While the data collection techniques using Library Techniques and Field Research were conducted through interviews, book references, and agency documents. Research shows that: (a) P2TP2A is still not optimal in handling violence, this can be seen from the number of violence that has increased significantly against women. (b) P2TP2A cooperates with relevant stakeholders in efforts to handle cases of violence during the pandemic. The handling is carried out through the protocol for handling cases of violence during the pandemic set by the government. (c) The supporting factors are the participation of all parties and the commitment of the local government, while the inhibiting factors are the limited quality of human resources, the commitment to services for women victims of violence

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