
THE need for such a work of reference as is supplied by the “Handbueh der Astrophysik” has become growingly obvious as successive volumes have appeared. The reviewer can speak from personal experience of its extreme usefulness in the observatory library and of its general completeness, within its own scope, as a work of reference, The articles contained in the different volumes may be divided into three groups—the theoretical, the instrumental or optical and the I observational. It must not, however, be supposed that there is any rigid division between these groups. The articles necessarily and rightly overlap. Thus an instrumental article on photometry quite properly has special reference to the astronomical applications and may well trench upon the domain of the article on the luminosities and colours of the stars. The fact that the two overlapping articles approach the same subject from two different points of view may lead to slight confusion here and there, but is probably more of a help than a hindrance to the student of the subject. Handbuch der Astrophysik. Herausgegeben von G. Eberhard A. Kohlschutter H. Luden-dorff. Band 1: Grundlagen der Astrophysik. Teil 1. Pp. xii + 564. 99 gold marks. Band 2, Halfte 1: Grundlagen der Astrophysik. Teil 2/1. Pp. xi + 430. 69 gold marks. Band 2, Halfte 2: Grundlagen der Astrophysik. Teil 2/2. Pp. vii + 431–752. 57.20 gold marks. Band 3, Halfte 1: Grundlagen der Astrophysik. Teil 3/1. Pp. x + 474. 77 gold marks. Band 3, Halfte 2: Grundlagen der Astrophysik. Teil 3/2. Pp. viii + 475–832. 62 gold marks. Band 4: Das Sonnensystem. Pp. viii + 501. 78.80 gold marks. Band 5, Halfte 1: Das Sternsystem. Teil 1/1. Pp. x + 574. 99 gold marks. Band 5, Halfte 2: Das Sternsystem. Teil 1/2. Pp. x + 575–1156 + 2 plates. 99 gold marks. Band 6: Das Sternsystem. Teil 2. Pp. ix + 474. 68.70 gold marks. (Berlin: Julius Springer, 1928–1933.)

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