
Part I: Foundations of the Psychology of Religion. Paloutzian, Park, Integrative Themes in the Current Science of the Psychology of Religion. Zinnbauer, Pargament, Religiousness and Spirituality. Hill, Measurement in the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality: Current Status and Evaluation. Hood Jr., Belzen, Research Methods in the Psychology of Religion. Corveleyn, Luyten, Psychodynamic Psychologies and Religion: Past, Present, and Future. Kirkpatrick, Evolutionary Psychology: An Emerging New Foundation for the Psychology of Religion. Part II: Religion through the Developmental Lens. Boyatzis, Religious and Spiritual Development in Childhood. Levenson, Aldwin, D'Mello, Religious Development from Adolescence to Middle Adulthood. McFadden, Points of Connection: Gerontology and the Psychology of Religion. Mahoney, Tarakeshwar, Religion's Role in Marriage and Parenting in Daily Life and during Family Crises. Part III: Religion and Basic Psychology Subdisciplines. Newberg, Newberg, The Neuropsychology of Religious and Spiritual Experience. Ozorak, Cognitive Approaches to Religion. Emmons, Emotion and Religion. Piedmont, The Role of Personality in Understanding Religious and Spiritual Constructs. Donahue, Nielsen, Religion, Attitudes, and Social Behavior. Part IV: The Construction and Expression of Religion. Park, Religion and Meaning. Exline, Rose, Religious and Spiritual Struggles. Paloutzian, Religious Conversion and Spiritual Transformation: A Meaning-System Analysis. Hood Jr., Mystical, Spiritual, and Religious Experiences. Spilka, Religious Practice, Ritual, and Prayer. Altemeyer, Hunsberger, Fundamentalism and Authoritarianism. McCullough, Bono, Root, Religion and Forgiveness. Geyer, Baumeister, Religion, Morality, and Self-Control: Values, Virtues, and Vices. Part V: Psychology of Religion and Applied Areas. Oman, Thoresen, Do Religion and Spirituality Influence Health? Miller, Kelley, Relationships of Religiosity and Spirituality with Mental Health and Psychopathology. Pargament, Ano,Wachholtz, The Religious Dimension of Coping: Advances in Theory, Research, and Practice. Shafranske, The Psychology of Religion in Clinical and Counseling Psychology. Giacalone, Jurkiewicz, Fry, From Advocacy to Science: The Next Steps in Workplace Spirituality Research. Silberman, Religious Violence, Terrorism, and Peace: A Meaning-System Analysis. Park, Paloutzian, One Step toward Integration and an Expansive Future.

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