
Contents: Introduction: Structure of the Book and Contributions Pietro Mazzola and Franz W. Kellermanns PART I: REFLECTIONS 1. The Development of Strategy Process Research and the Most Influential Articles and Authors Ofer H. Azar and David M. Brock 2. Shifting Focus from the Determinants to the Origin: The Foundations of a Dynamic View of Managerial Discretion Ingo Kleindienst and Thomas Hutzschenreuter 3. The Politics of Strategy Process Duane Windsor 4. The Strategic Arena Approach to Strategy Process Research Anders Melander, Leif Melin and Mattias Nordqvist 5. Strategy Process Research and the RBV: Social Barriers to Imitation Patrick Regner 6. The Feedback Structure of Strategy Process and Top-Management's Role in Shaping Emerging Strategic Behavior Vittorio Coda and Edoardo Mollona 7. Putting the Manager Back into the Picture: The Value of a Strategy Process Perspective Torsten Schmid, Steven W. Floyd and Bill Wooldridge PART II: DELIBERATE STRATEGIES 8. Making Strategy Work: A Literature Review on the Factors Influencing Strategy Implementation Li Yang, Guo-hui Sun and Martin J. Eppler 9. Five Alternative Approaches to the Strategic Reorientation Process Robert Chapman Wood and Osvald Bjelland 10. Managerial Interplay: Linking Intent to Realized Strategy Bill Wooldridge and J. Ignacio Canales 11. Banking on Ambidexterity: A Longitudinal Study of Ambidexterity, Volatility and Performance Amir Sasson and Mario Minoja 12. From Theory to Action: The Story of One Strategy Paul N. Friga PART III: EMERGING STRATEGIES 13. Strategic Initiatives: Past, Present and Future Christoph Lechner and Markus Kreutzer 14. The Risky Prospects of Entrepreneurial Initiatives: Bias Duality and Bias Reversal in Established Firms James J. Chrisman, Alain Verbeke and Erick P.C. Chang 15. Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Driving Force for Corporate Entrepreneurship Esra Memili, G.T. Lumpkin and Gregory G. Dess 16. A Complexity Perspective on Strategic Process Research Terry B. Porter PART IV: SPECIAL TOPICS 17. Strategic Decision Processes in the Realm of Strategic Alliances Jorge Walter 18. A Review of Research Progress in Understanding the Acquisition Integration Process: Building Directions for Future Research Annette L. Ranft, Frank Butler and Jennifer Sexton 19. Internationalization Process Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra 20. Constructing Power to Drive Strategy Processes in Multinational Firms Markus Venzin 21. Perceptions, Processes, and Performance During Organizational Decline Michael R. Braun and Scott F. Latham 22. An Institutional View of Process Strategy in the Public Sector P. Devereaux Jennings, Paul A. Zandbergen and Martin L. Martens 23. Public Sector and Strategic Management: The Case Study of the US Army Corps of Engineers Anil C. Patel 24. The OODA Loop: A New Strategic Management Approach for Family Business Joseph Astrachan, Chet Richards, Gaia Marchisio and George Manners

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