
Preface (Bergstra, Ponse, Smolka). Part 1: Basic Theory. The linear time - brancing time spectrum I (Van Glabbeek). Trace-oriented models of concurrency (Broy, Olderog). Structural operational semantics (Aceto, Fokkink, Verhoef). Modal logics and mu-calculi: an intorduction (Bradfield, Stirling). Part 2: Finite-State Processes. Process algebra with recursive operations (Bergstra, Fokkink, Ponse). Equivalence and preorder checking for finite-state systems (Cleaveland, Sokolsky). Part 3: Infinite-State Processes. A symbolic approach to value-passing processes (Ingolfsdottir, Lin). An introduction to the pi-calculus (Parrow). Verification on infinite structures (Bukart, Caucal, Moller, Steffen). Part 4: Extensions. Process algebra with timing: real time and discrete time (Baeten, Middelburg). Probabilistic extensions of process algebras (Jonsson, Larsen, Yi). Priority in process algebra (Cleaveland, Luettgen, Natarajan). Part 5: Non-Interleaving Process Algebra. Partial-order process algebra (Baeten, Basten). A unified model for nets and process algebras (Best, Devillers, Koutny). Process algebras with localities (Castellani). Action refinement (Gorrieri, Rensink). Part 6: Tools and Applications. Algebraic process vertification (Groote, Reniers). Discrete time process algebra and the semantics of SDL (Bergstra, Middelburg, Usenko). A process algebra for Interworkings (Mauw, Reniers).

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