
About the Editors. List of Contributors. Foreword by Susan W. Coates. Preface by Jon G. Allen and Peter Fonagy. Part I: CONCEPTUAL AND CLINICAL FOUNDATIONS. 1 Mentalizing in Practice (Jon G. Allen). 2 Mentalizing from a Psychoanalytic Perspective: What's New? (Jeremy Holmes). Part II: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. 3 The Mentalization-Focused Approach to Social Development (Peter Fonagy). 4 Mentalizing Problems in Childhood Disorders (Carla Sharp). 5 A Neurobiological Perspective on Mentalizing and Internal Object Relations in Traumatized Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (Glen O. Gabbard, Lisa A. Miller and Melissa Martinez). Part III: INCORPORATING MENTALIZING IN ESTABLISHED TREATMENTS. 6 Integrating Mentalization-Based Treatment and Traditional Psychotherapy to Cultivate Common Ground and Promote Agency (Richard L. Munich). 7 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Promotes Mentalizing (Throstur Bjorgvinsson and John Hart). 8 Enhancing Mentalizing Capacity through Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training and Positive Psychology (Lisa Lewis). Part IV: MENTALIZATION-BASED THERAPY. 9 Mentalizing and Borderline Personality Disorder (Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy). 10 Short-Term Mentalization and Relational Therapy (SMART): An Integrative Family Therapy for Children and Adolescents (Pasco Fearon, Mary Target, Peter Fonagy, Laurel L. Williams, Jacqueline McGregor, John Sargent and Efrain Bleiberg). 11 Training Psychiatry Residents in Mentalization-Based Therapy (Laurel L.Williams, Peter Fonagy, Mary Target, Pasco Fearon, John Sargent, Efrain Bleiberg and Jacqueline McGregor). 12. Treating Professionals in Crisis: A Mentalization-Based Specialized Inpatient Program (Efrain Bleiberg). 13. Enhancing Mentalizing through Psycho-Education (G. Tobias G. Haslam-Hopwood, Jon G. Allen, April Stein and Efrain Bleiberg). Part V: PREVENTION. 14. Minding the Baby: A Mentalization-Based Parenting Program (Lois S. Sadler, Arietta Slade and Linda C. Mayes). 15. Transforming Violent Social Systems into Non-Violent Mentalizing Systems: An Experiment in Schools (Stuart W. Twemlow and Peter Fonagy). 16. Does Mentalizing Promote Resilience? (Helen Stein). Epilogue (Robert Michels). Index.

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