
I Enhancement Fundametal Enhancement Techniques Adaptive Image Filtering Enhancement by Multiscale Nonlinear Operators Medical Image Enhancement with Hybrid Filters. II Segmentation Overview and Fundamentals of Medical Image Segmentation Image Segmentation by Fuzzy Clustering: Methods and Issues Segmentation with Neural Networks Deformable Models Shape Constraints in Deformable Models Gradient Vector Flow Deformable Models Fully Automated Hybrid Segmentation of the Brain Volumetric Segmentation Partial Volume Segmentation with Voxel Histograms. III Quantification Two-dimensional Shape and Texture Quantification Texture Analysis in Three Dimensions as a Cue to Medical Diagnosis Computational Neuroanatomy Using Shape Transformation Morphometry of Arterial Trees and Microvascular Networks Image-Based Computational Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System Three-Dimensional Bone Angle Quantification Database Selection and Feature Extraction for Neural Networks Quantitative Image Analysis for Estimation of Breast Cancer Risk Classification of Breast Lesions in Mammograms Quantitative Analysis of Cardiac Function Image Processing and Analysis in Tagged Cardiac MRI Image Interpolation and Resampling. IV Registration The Physical Basis of Spatial Distortions in Magnetic Resonance Images Physical and Biological Bases of Spatial Distortiobns in Positron Emission Tomography Images Biological Underpinnings of Anatomic Consistency and Variability in the Human Brain Spatial Transformation Models Validation of Registration Accuracy Landmark-based Registration using Features Identified Through Differential Geometry Registration of Contours using Chamfer Matching Within-Modality Registration using Intensity-Based Cost Functions Across-Modality Registration using Intensity-Based Cost Functions Talairach Space as a Tool for Intersubject Standardization in the Brain Warping Strategies for Intersubject Registration Optimizing the Resampling of Registered Images Clinical Applications of Image Registration Registration for Image-Guided Surgery Image Registration and the Construction of Multidimensional Brain Atlases. V Visualization Visualization Pathways in Biomedicine Three-Dimensional Visualization in Medicine and Biology Volume Visualization in Medicine Fast Isosurface Extraction Methods for Large Image Data Sets Morphometric Methods for Virtual Endoscopy. VI Compression Storage and Communication Fundamentals and Standards of Compression and Communication Medical Image Archive and Retrieval Image Standardization in PACS Quality Evaluation for Compressed Medical Images: Fundamentals Quality Evaluation for Compressed Medical Images: Diagnostic Accuracy Quality Evaluation for Compressed Medical Images: Statistical Issues Three-Dimensional Image Compression with Wavelet Transforms Medical Image Processing and Analysis Software. Index

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